9/19/07 Health Care Reform


Before we get to the cute puppies at 1pm, we’ll be taking a look at health care reform.  You can never have enough pictures of cute puppies, though.  If anyone would like to share any of their own, please feel free.  Actually, I should post some pictures of the new kitten in my house that’s about 7 weeks old, talk about cute.  Check in soon for those.

I know everyone has a lot to say about health care reform, not to mention a lot of questions.  Today, we’ll be discussing different ideas for reform, the possibility of a single payer system, what the presidential candidates are talking about, and much more.  So, call or write in with your own thoughts, ok?  Thanks.


9/19/07 Blackwater USA

On Sunday, there was a shootout in Iraq.  No big deal, right?  Happens all time?  But this one was different, because it wasn’t between insurgents and coalition troops, or between different Iraqi groups.  The shootout was between guards who worked for the private military company Blackwater USA and and Iraqi civilians.  Anywhere from 8-20 Iraqi’s were left dead, depending on your source.  The circumstances surrounding the shootout are in question but Iraq has revoked Blackwater’s license and their right to operate in Iraq. 

 I find this whole issue interesting because it brings up the issue of sovereignty and who exactly has the power in Iraq–the Iraqi’s or the Americans.  Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has said he wants Blackwater gone, but the U.S. is advocating a wait-and-see approach to this.

Join us as we speak with Naomi Klein, who is an expert on disaster capitalism and the author of The Shock Doctrine, about this issue. 


9/19/07 PUPPIES!



It’s been  a somewhat stressful morning around here.  Can I tell you how excited I am by the fact that at one o’clock, representatives from Baltimore Area and Rescue Shelter (BARCS)are going to bring a doggie in? 

 I am also excited about the work BARCS is doing to expand their offerings for really sick animals.  They don’t just get in normal abandoned puppies, kittens, dogs and cats.  They get in animals with severe physical problems.  And I think anyone who owns a pet knows how amazingly expensive serious veterinary care is.  So BARCS has started a fund to take care of these animals.  It was inspired by Franky, who was only four months old when his owner threw him out of a second story window and then put him in a trashcan.  BARCS saved Franky’s life, and it wants to save the lives of more animals, so it started this special fund.

Want to bring a special pet into your life?  Click here to view the animals BARCS has for adoption!

We’ll hear about all this and more.  Join us!
